SimpleGazeTracker parameter structure¶
Member | Description | Default value |
wptr | Window pointer for Screen() function of PsychToolbox. | Initialized by SimpleGazeTracker(‘Initialize’,wptr,wrect) |
wrect | Window rectangle for Screen() function of PsychToolbox. | Initialized by SimpleGazeTracker(‘Initialize’,wptr,wrect) |
IPAddress | IP address of SimpleGazeTracker. | ‘’ |
sendPort | Port number for sending commands to SimpleGazeTracker. | 10000 |
recvPort | Port number for receiving data from SimpleGazeTracker. | 10001 |
imageWidth | Width of the image transfered from SimpleGazeTracker. | 320 |
imageHeight | Height of the image transfered from SimpleGazeTracker. | 240 |
previewWidth | Currently not supported. | |
previewHeight | Currently not supported. | |
validationShift | Shift of the target position in the Validation process. | 20 |
showCalDisplay | If this parameter is 1*, preview image is shown at the screen. Set this parameter 0 if you want to hide preview image from participant. | 1 |
numSamplesPerTrgpos | Number of calibration samples acquired at each target position. This value must be must be integer and greater than 0. | 10 |
caltargetDurationPerPos | Duration in which target moves to a calibration position. Unit is second. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than caltargetDurationPerPos. | 1.0 |
caltargetDurationPerPos | Duration in which target moves to and stays at a calibration position. Unit is second. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. | 2.0 |
calGetSampleDelay | Delay of starting sample acquisition from target arrived at calibration position. Unit is second. This value must not be negative and should be smaller than caltargetDurationPerPos-caltargetDurationPerPos. | 0.4 |
calArea | This parameter is used to adjust calibration results display on SimpleGazeTracker. Usually, this paramter is the same as wrect. | Initialized by SimpleGazeTracker(‘Initialize’,wptr,wrect) |
calTargetPos | List of calibration target positions. | [cx ,cy ;
cx-350,cy ;
cx ,cy-250;
cx ,cy ;
cx ,cy+250;
cx+350,cy ;
cx = (wrect(3)-wrect(1))/2
cy = (wrect(4)-wrect(2))/2