SimpleGazeTracker parameter structure

Member Description Default value
wptr Window pointer for Screen() function of PsychToolbox. Initialized by SimpleGazeTracker(‘Initialize’,wptr,wrect)
wrect Window rectangle for Screen() function of PsychToolbox. Initialized by SimpleGazeTracker(‘Initialize’,wptr,wrect)
IPAddress IP address of SimpleGazeTracker. ‘’
sendPort Port number for sending commands to SimpleGazeTracker. 10000
recvPort Port number for receiving data from SimpleGazeTracker. 10001
imageWidth Width of the image transfered from SimpleGazeTracker. 320
imageHeight Height of the image transfered from SimpleGazeTracker. 240
previewWidth Currently not supported.  
previewHeight Currently not supported.  
validationShift Shift of the target position in the Validation process. 20
showCalDisplay If this parameter is 1*, preview image is shown at the screen. Set this parameter 0 if you want to hide preview image from participant. 1
numSamplesPerTrgpos Number of calibration samples acquired at each target position. This value must be must be integer and greater than 0. 10
caltargetDurationPerPos Duration in which target moves to a calibration position. Unit is second. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than caltargetDurationPerPos. 1.0
caltargetDurationPerPos Duration in which target moves to and stays at a calibration position. Unit is second. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. 2.0
calGetSampleDelay Delay of starting sample acquisition from target arrived at calibration position. Unit is second. This value must not be negative and should be smaller than caltargetDurationPerPos-caltargetDurationPerPos. 0.4
calArea This parameter is used to adjust calibration results display on SimpleGazeTracker. Usually, this paramter is the same as wrect. Initialized by SimpleGazeTracker(‘Initialize’,wptr,wrect)
calTargetPos List of calibration target positions.
[cx ,cy ;
cx-350,cy ;
cx ,cy-250;
cx ,cy ;
cx ,cy+250;
cx+350,cy ;

cx = (wrect(3)-wrect(1))/2
cy = (wrect(4)-wrect(2))/2